Masthead: This is on all Magazine covers usually at the top of the page and indicates what magazine it is e.g. Empire or Total Film. This is the largest text on the page and reflects the audience it caters for.
Image: This is usually a photograph, however, in the case of Little White Lies it is a digitally manipulated image in the stye of a painting/drawing. The main image is usually a mid-shot and should reflect what the film is about/ the genre. This involves the main actor/ actors.
'Buzz words': These involve words such as 'free' or 'exclusive' which capture the audience and readers attention and make them want to buy the magazine.
Anchorage text: The text that often overlaps the image hinting at what the film will be about, this is sometimes a quote taken from the film.
Banner: Gives overall information about the magazine and what will be found inside.
Barcode, date, issue number: Something every magazine has and is needed.
Empire Magazine:
It was first published in 1989.
It includes film news, previews and reviews. It also has unique regular features such as a Classic Scene which involves a transcript from a well known film.
It is the biggest selling film magazine in Britain and is also published in America, Australia, Turkey, Russia and Portugal.
Little White Lies:
Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to creating great movies and the people who make them.
They combine cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism. It has been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.”
Mood Board Of Inspiration:
We created this mood board on Powerpoint, we drew a lot of inspiration from Entertainment Weekly as it often features more romantic and dramatic movies rather than action ones. As we are creating a romantic and emotional trailer we want to portray this in our film poster, therefore we don't want it to appear like an action movie, which Empire magazine usually advertises.
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