Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Task 21: Film Poster Editing Process

This is our Finished Film Poster

This is our editing process for our film poster

This is the original photo which we took in a studio at our school. Its quiet similar to our magazine photo yet its a closer shot of their face so it will draw in more audience members as it seems more emotional. 

During the editing process we first changed the colour of the image. We put on a pink tint to enhance the colour of Isobel's hair and then used the colour balance and enhanced the pink tones. The pink tones allow the poster to seem more appealing to the eye and it doesn't seem to harsh. This allows our target audience to have an idea that our film is romantic/drama. 

We took inspiration from 'The Fault In Our Stars' as it follows a similar story to our trailer. the cloud was cut using the 'Lasso Tool' then we refined the edge so it blended into the poster slightly so it didn't have a harsh edge.We also added the title of the film yet cut the title from word so we could have a specific font style which is in the final poster.

This is the poster that we got our inspiration from as we liked the effect of the clouds blending together. It creates a sense of innocence and romance. We also liked the font used as it looks hand drawn which may catch the attention of young viewers targeting their  audience well. 

When we edited the title and layered it in front of the cloud we were left with this. it looked great but other elements needed to be added for it to look professional.

By adding a line at the top saying 'BASED ON BEST SELLING NOVEL 'BOUND TOGETHER'. This is synergy as we also included this line/feature in our trailer. Furthermore, the names of those who were involved in the making of the trailer and the date it will be released on are at the bottom of our poster this made it look realistic and it was our finished product. We chose the 14th of February from the choice of our genre (drama/romance) so it would be the best decision to release our film on Valentines day.

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